School Program

Schools Swimming Program

The centre offers a wide range of programs for your group or school to be a part of. You can choose from end of term activities through to programs that are energised, alternative and educational.

We offer school swimming program options that are available and aligned with education requirements for water safety. Programs can be tailored to meet the school's requirements for timetabling, logistics, affordability and curriculum objectives. 

Session Times 

The aquatics coordinator will work with organisations to discuss, plan and implement suitable programs to meet their school’s needs. Ensuring everyone has fun in a safe and friendly environment. 

Program times may vary depending on the duration, number of students, financial considerations and educational needs. 

The Curriculum

We offer a wide range of programs for your group or school to be a part of. The curriculum provides a comprehensive educational framework that enhances knowledge, skill and understanding of safer aquatic participation. 

The curriculum ensures alignment with and support of learning outcomes and drowning prevention strategies including:

  • The Federal Government's Curriculum Framework Guide. Where the focus is on experiential rather than command teaching. 
  • The World Health Organisation (WHO) Drowning Prevention Implementation Guide a central documented that is acknowledged worldwide. 
  • The Australian Water Safety Council's Water Safety Plan.
  • AUSTSWIM Learning Pillars Framework is a guiding document for program development, lessons planning and teaching. 

Plan Your Next School Program

Swimming is an essential and life-saving skill that you have for life. Choose from end of term activities through to programs that are energised, alternative and educational.

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