Conditions of Entry

We look forward to welcoming you to enjoy Jack Hort Memorial Community Pool and the aquatic programs and facilities we have to offer you. Please ensure you read and abide by our conditions of entry outlined below. 

Jack Hort Memorial Community Pool is a Non-Smoking Facility

Please note that Jack Hort Memorial Community Pool is a non-smoking facility and any smoking on the premises will not be tolerated.

Age Restrictions and Supervision

No child under the age of 10 is permitted to enter the premises except where the child is supervised by a responsible adult.

Adults must be 16 years of age or older.

Alcohol and Illicit Substances

Alcohol and drugs are prohibited on the premise and we will refuse entry to anyone under the influence.

Camera Use, Photography and Video Recording

You must not use a camera or other audio or visual recording device without the prior consent of custormer service or management and signing the photo registry.


We encourage family-friendly behaviour and any abusive, disruptive and/or offensive actions are not permitted.

Personal Property

You must not leave personal property unattended other than in a secured locker. We do not take responsibility for your possessions during your time at the facility.

Facility Damage

Patrons will be liable for any wilful damage to fittings, fixtures or equipment.

Removal from Facility

Management reserves the right to refuse entry or to remove a patron from the facility for breaking the conditions of entry.

Merchandise Refund Policy

Please note that we do not offer refunds for goggles, swimwear or other purchased goods once purchased.

We highly recommend trying on swimwear in our change room or speaking to customer service for assistance.

More Information

If you have any questions regarding the facilities conditions of entry, please fill in an enquiry form or ask our friendly staff when your next in.

TripAdvisor Panel

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